Medianch for webphone and java. This folder contains optional platform dependent native binaries for the VoIP engine. Just copy these files in your native folder or the jar (unzip and copy the files near the webphone.jar or JVoIP.jar) DETAILS: The webphone/JVoIP will work fine also without these files, but having them accessible might increase the voice quality. These files are needed if you wish to enable one of the following parameters: opus codec, aec (echo cancellation), agc (automatic gain control), denoise, silencesupress. The files should be stored near the main jar file (on local file system or on your web server) and you might have to enable the dll and dylib mime type on your web server if used in a web project (or set the “mediaenchext” applet parameter to “jar” and rename dll with jar in file name extensions). If the files cannot be found or loaded than the webphone will just not use these features but will remain fully functional. When served from a webserver, the webphone will download one of these libraries only at the first usage. Subsequent usage will be served from the browser local cache. TODO: 1. Deploy Unpack the and copy the files near your webphone.jar or JVoIP.jar 2. Enable mime types Make sure that your web server allows the download of these resource types by allowing/adding the following mime types to your webserver configuration if not already added/allowed: • extension: .dll MIME type: application/x-msdownload (or application/x-msdownload) • extension: .mxml MIME type: application/octet-stream (or application/xv+xml) • extension: .exe MIME type: application/octet-stream (or application/x-msdownload) • extension: .jar MIME type: application/java-archive • extension: .jnilib MIME type: application/java-archive • extension: .so MIME type: application/octet-stream • extension: .dylib MIME type: application/octet-stream • extension: .pkg MIME type: application/x-newton-compatible-pkg (or application/octet-stream) • extension: .swf MIME type: application/x-shockwave-flash 3. Test Test the files availability by trying to download the files directly from your browser. For example you should be able to download the mediaench.dll by entering it's exact URL in your browser: https:\\\path_to_webphone\mediaench.dll If the browser doesn't initiate the file download (or displays an error) then you either typed the URL incorrectly or your web server doesn't allow the .dll mime type.