This folder contains some usage examples to learn about the webphone API usage or as a starting template for your custom project. These examples are useful only if you wish to do some custom development. In case if you are looking for something ready to use, then use the softphone.html or the click2call.html in the upper folder instead of these samples. You migh also look at the following resources to start working with the webphone: -Tutorial: -Documentation: The html's listed here are not ready for production. Some of them are just for demo purpose and others doesn't have proper error handling (skipped for easier reading). Sample files: o techdemo_example.html: a simple demo html the showcase the webphone functionalities o minimal_example.html: shortest implementation to make a call o basic_example.html: simple usage example of softphone SDK o api_example.html: a more detailed example for the SIP API usage o incoming_example.html: simple example to handle incoming call o click2call_example.html: a minimal click to call phone button implementation o linkify_example.html: will convert phone numbers on a webpage to clickable SIP URI’s for click to call o mobile_example.html: just a show case to remind you that the webphone also works on smartphones o multipage_example.html: demonstrates using the same webphone instances across multiple pages